About Us

Voice, Vision, Victory

The Ebony Butterfly Effect



Our Story

Ebony Butterflies is founded by a trio of passionate professionals united by their love for children and their personal experiences as women of color. Our founders, Mrs. Mosley, a certified school counselor, Ms. Manderson, a veteran ELA teacher, and Ms. Young, a family social worker, bring together sixty-one years of diverse expertise in nurturing young minds. Drawing from their own transformative journeys, they are dedicated to guiding young girls of color through their own metamorphosis. At Ebony Butterflies, we commit to assisting, motivating, and empowering our participants, fostering an environment where young ladies can flourish and realize their full potential.

Our Vision

At Ebony Butterflies Inc., we envision nurturing a community of young ladies, empowered with emotional intelligence and confident communication. They will transform into leaders, exuding confidence, resilience, and ambition, equipped with skills to navigate life's challenges and contribute positively to society.

Our Mission

Ebony Butterflies Inc. is dedicated to empowering young ladies to discover intrinsic value, fostering self-love, emotional intelligence, and mental well-being, and preparing them to engage authentically with their communities as morally grounded changemakers.

Our Values


We prioritize self-love, self-acceptance, and mental health, empowering young people to discover their intrinsic worth and potential.

Community Engagement

We foster authentic, empathetic, and inclusive community involvement, celebrating diversity and promoting understanding.

Leadership and Growth

We develop resilient leaders through transformative experiences, encouraging personal growth,skill-building, and adaptability.

Honesty and Courage

We champion open communication, integrity, honesty, courage, and bravery in all aspects of life, inspiring young people to speak their truth.

Innovation and Social Responsibility

We embrace creativity, adaptability, mindfulness, and continuous learning while promoting accountability and responsibility for our actions and their impact on the community and the world.

Join the transformation taking place at Ebony Butterflies, where we empower young ladies to spread their wings and soar! Through mentorship, education, and community, we're igniting a revolution of confidence, self-love, and limitless potential.

Be part of the
metamorphosis – become an Ebony Butterfly today!


© 2024 ebony butterflies Inc